Empire State Realty Trust, the owner of the mythical background skyscrapers of Manhattan , has already set the price of its IPO to be located in the $ 13 per share

jueves, 31 de octubre de 2013

TOP TEN SECRETS to Saving Big Money in the Airline Flights

Do you know that some people travel around the country and abroad, for both business and pleasure, and save bundles of money in the process? They do that by using little known ways of really taking advantage of the most popular form of transportation - airline flights. They don't rely on the ever-famous "airfare price-wars". They don't rely on their travel agents to save money while flying. Certainly, you should not dismiss these two methods. The price-wars can work to your advantage. But depending on them too much is a big mistake.
 1. Call the airlines. Call the airlines between midnight and 1 a.m. Monday through Friday to get cheaper tickets. Most people never realize that at midnight, airline agents revise and load new fares into their computers. The best fares are just after they have done the updating!

 2. Check into other airports other than the main one you use. Many major cities have two airports. Check into surrounding towns and cities so you can compare airfares. You may save hundreds of dollars on your flights.

 3. The early bird catches the plane. The earlier you book your flight the more you save. Most special fares have restrictions of 7 to 30 day advance purchase. Usually non-refundable but they can offer deep discounts. On the other hand, there are "last minute" deals too. Visit www.smartliving.com to get emails for last minute deals.
TOP TEN SECRETS to Saving Big Money in the Airline Flights

 4. Get out of town on Wednesday. Mid-week travel is usually less expensive. If you leave on Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday and stay over a Saturday night, you can garner terrific savings compared to Friday through Monday when most people fly. Start taking your vacations Wednesday-to-Wednesday or Tuesday-to-Tuesday. You'll save a lot by choosing your departure and arrival dates this way! 

5. Buying a one way or split ticket. Let's say you travel from Boston to Dallas. It may be cheaper to get two separate tickets. You could buy one ticket from Boston to Nashville and one from Nashville to Dallas. It all depends on the connecting cities and your airlines hubs. Just tell your agent you are willing to travel out of other airports and connect using regional airports to save money. 6. Open wide. You should look into what is called an "Open-Jaw" ticket. These are used when a traveler is arriving and departing from different cities. One ticket is purchased to cover both cities. Check with your travel agent or airline representative to see if this trick is available instead of two one-way tickets. Compare the price of each.

 7. An excellent online service www.sidestep.com You enter destinations and dates and SideStep quickly searches a couple of dozen affiliated regional and international airlines to find the best rates. 

8. "Code share". Ask your agent if this flight is a "code-share" flight. That means the same flight is offered by two different airlines. Just copy down the name of the other airline and check into what they are charging. Only one of the airlines is actually operating the flight. The actual operator always offers this flight for less, so book with them. 

9. Sign up for the airline newsletters. From weekend getaways to international flight packages the newsletter saves you money on travel and doesn't require that you constantly visit the airline website for the latest offering. 10. The airlines often slash their fares during sluggish travel times. Scan your travel sections in the newspapers and talk to your agent about these low fares 

The Law of Attraction 
 Think Abundance
 Make Money online

martes, 29 de octubre de 2013


The Law of Attraction

Think Abundance
Wealth is a mindset. Look at the world through the eyes of abundance and you will attract into your life.
If you live in fear of poverty , these actions will be generating your poverty. Quite the contrary , it allows plenty ringworm your thoughts and every one of your moments.
In any direction you see multiple opportunities not concentrate . Choose the ones that best fit with who you are . Give life to your highest potential, with wealth and with passion . Dive into the abundance that is there, waiting to be lived.
The problems and challenges may look great , until you compare them with real and specific opportunities you have at your fingertips. The shortcomings and limitations may seem real , until you experience the true reality of abundance.
Concentrate your thoughts, your time , your actions and your days in the abundance that is certainly there. Then more of abundance can get to know and experience , the more you have .
The Law of Attraction teaches that we attract into our lives what they think. Every thought emits a frequency that attracts exactly the same issues . The problem with this law is that it does not distinguish what we think unconsciously of what we think of as voluntary , or conscious .
Watch what you usually think along the day ...
 Realize all the time you actually think about your lack of money, your debts , it is not enough ...
 Be aware of the time you spend thinking about your health problems and what hurts ...
 Spend much time thinking about what is not right, what you do not like about yourself and what you do not have ...
Although you may not notice , we spend most of the day with negative thoughts in our unconscious jumping uncontrollably, like a spring, like a machine programmed to do so.

  And that's really the problem. Our minds are programmed to think that since we were little , and listened and learned that we were not good people , that we were missing qualities and that we would never achieve our goals.
According to the law of attraction, if you spend much of your day to think about what you DO NOT want , all you will achieve is to attract more of the same .
So in order to attract something different in your life , you must change your thinking . However, this change must be background , not only have a shallow thinking . The change must be at the root.
You'll never have more than your self make possible.
This is key , because it's just not think about what you want to accomplish , but you must believe it possible for you. You must change the way you think about yourself . Change what you think you are able to achieve and get in life.
The difference between believing and not believing , is the degree of enthusiasm you feel even if you have not already . If you get excited when you think about what you want , that motivates you to do things , and the excitement remains even if you do not have what you want , if you believe it is possible for you.
If, however , when you think about what you want to get excited , but then feel anxiety because it does not , do not see how you can end , you get desperate and you desmotivas means that basically do not believe that you can have that.
In your life you will attract what you think deeply.
Not only is this thinking that you have more money, you have the perfect partner or the job of your dreams , but you must believe it from within.

 The Law of Attraction
 Think Abundance
 Make Money online

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miércoles, 23 de octubre de 2013



miércoles, 16 de octubre de 2013

First anniversary of Marissa Mayer on Yahoo :

First anniversary of Marissa Mayer on Yahoo :Internet Economy and Business On July 16 it was announced that Marissa Mayer would be the new CEO of Yahoo and the 17th began his stage at the helm of the company. A year after 17 purchases , it is undeniable that the company has changed .Today marks the first anniversary since it was announced the appointment of Marissa Mayer as CEO of Yahoo ( was effective the day after ) . At this time , the company has made 17 purchases (most importantly, Tumblr ) and, in general , one can say that the stage in Yahoo Marissa Mayer has served to give new life to the company. But there is still a long way to go .What can not be denied is that the Board has managed to give some institutional stability for signature. Until his arrival , the direction of the company had been in six people in the last six years. The most talked output was Scott Thompson , who resigned after it was discovered that it had included false information on your resume. It also seems less prone to litigation than its predecessor , which was involved in a legal battle with Facebook to anyone finished watching sense .

Marissa Mayer

But the important thing is not what has made Marissa Mayer on Yahoo , but the movements he has used his time. And it seems you've been busy, and that throughout this period there have been 17 purchases . Probably not depart from it all , but , at least, bear his signature . And the most important of these acquisitions, Tumblr , it does have all the earmarks of having been orchestrated by the directive.Seizing Yahoo Tumblr it cost 1,100 million. Part of this money was achieved through the sale of part of the shares of Alibaba Group that had the Chinese company . In fact, if their actions today is worth more due to growth in this group. If this changes in the future, will be in part due to this purchase."Apart from shopping, Yahoo has made ​​changes to the design of some of its services " This year there were other changes in Yahoo services . Mail, for example, was redesigned and soon after launched a campaign to ' recover ' abandoned accounts and make them to return to be available for new users (the process will end in mid-August ) . Flickr also experienced a much needed change in design and increased storage capacity .   

This, incidentally , represented one of the few faults committed in Yahoo Marissa Mayer . When he announced the news on Flickr , made ​​comments that many considered offensive photographers . Instead of hiding or issue a statement, said several of them personally from his Twitter account . It is likely that the answer conduct a team member , but it is still an example of this new attitude nearest juvenile less corseted .Nor should we forget the influence of Mayer in the industry. The technology sector has women just as CEO , at least in major companies . Yahoo could help change this trend thanks to Mayer , despite his undoubted experience , has had to endure ridiculous scenes . The most famous example is the shareholder who began by explaining that it was " a dirty old man " and then tell the policy that is "very attractive " .Fortunately , this is almost anecdotal , because since his appointment was announced much emphasis has been placed on its origin (it was the twenty- Google employee and one of the architects of the search engine what it is today ) than sex.Anyway, the most important thing for Yahoo is that this is only the beginning. For the first time in a while the wheel takes someone with experience, youth , knowledge, and tables ; someone able to make the company regain its place or at least trying. In the first year there have been changes , the second will be more.

Internet Economy and Business

jueves, 10 de octubre de 2013


 I'm A money magnet

1: Improve Your Relationship with Money $ $ If you do not get along with him , how do you intend to have in abundance ? Here you can :   Reconciled with him , if you refuse not expect someone to come running to you Increase your financial thermostat , ie the range of amounts that are calibrated to handle  Also increase your financial knowledge to optimally handle you and that he does not manage you Enlarge the picture of options to increase your income , there are more than one way for you. 
2: Change Your Beliefs , Attitudes and Allegiances Limitations . Our outer world is a reflection of our inner world . If your finances are not as you would like is a symptom of what is happening inside you. Here you can : Liberarte limiting loyalties , make you act and move in a certain direction without be aware of why you do Cancel contracts , limiting beliefs and thoughts , you've made ​​throughout your life , consciously or unconsciously , and some will have limited ... hitherto Eliminate Finance sabotage , everything comes from above. We all know that saving and investing is good, and why not many people do ? It is not know what makes you act , are your emotions and beliefs that win . Learning the Order of Success: Everything in this universe has an order,Use it to your advantage !
 3: Open your Camp Prosperity Consciousness If you want to play something you have to get off the platform and enter the field of play, is not it? In the seminar you will learn the rules of the game to go down to the court : Meet the Creative Process , that you already use but now I do with consciousness of what you are creating Reinstate the resources we already have , just do not know that you have them Learn the seeds of Prosperity and Success :
 A technique to sow today and reap tomorrow that which you want Open the door to Abundance Prosperity , Wealth and Success.

Certain statements .
 I'm A money magnet ,
 I see my bank account with a balance of more than $ 50 million.
 I feel the money in my hands, I see, I hear in Harmony.
 I, am a money maker and i make it quick and easy.
 I'm happy because I attract and performed my money
I see very rich and I know that's what I am.
I like my prosperity, and I like to share it freely with the world.
My income is becoming more and bigger now.
I am passionate in creating wealth.
All resistance to prosperity is dissolved in total grace.
I deserve to have financial abundance in my life now.
Abundance and I are one.
I think we can all be rich: and that includes me.
I am now accumulating large sums of money.
My mind is a powerful magnet for profitable and lucrative ideas.
Great wealth flows to me now.
I have success because I know what I want and what I ask.
I can create wealth easily and effortlessly.
I dissolve all false messages about wealth creation.
I decree the success in my way and I believe it.

"The shocking truth about prosperity is that it is surprisingly good instead of terribly bad for you and opt for prosperity. Note that" rich "means living with abundance of all good or living a fuller, more satisfying. in fact, you are prosperous to the extent you are experiencing peace, health, happiness and abundance in this world. honorable methods exist that can lead rapidly toward that goal.'s easier to achieve than you now think. that also, is the terrible truth about prosperity. "
Catherine Ponder

miércoles, 2 de octubre de 2013

The Empire State go public at $ 13 per share and raise 929.5 million dollars, Empire State Realty Trust

The Empire State go public at $ 13 per share and raise 929.5 million dollars, Empire State Realty Trust

Empire State Realty Trust, the owner of the mythical background skyscrapers of Manhattan , has already set the price of its IPO to be located in the $ 13 per share , in the lower range of the fork 15 to $ 13 expected market . With public sales operation , the company will raise 929.5 million dollars ( 688 million euros). The debut of the Empire State does not come without problems. Remember that and attempted public offering last year but was forced to postpone it due to the demands of shareholders and tenants. USA 's palsy may delay IPOs . However, these problems were solved in the spring. Now , it is expected that the desire of many investors to own a piece of the historic building product of the Great Depression, the stock market debut a success . Bank of America and Goldman Sachs were the lead underwriters of the deal . With everything going on, it is expected that the actions of the Empire State commence trading at start of the session on Wednesday under the symbol " ESRT " on the Stock Exchange of New York ( NYSE Euronext ) . The building located in the heart of Manhattan opened in 1931 during the Great Depression. With its 102 floors , became as the tallest skyscraper in the world until 1972 . The Empire State Realty Trust owns other buildings in Manhattan and Connecticut. More details of the operation ... The company placed a total of 71.5 million shares of the company , which will begin trading Wednesday on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol ESRT . Also , Empire State Realty Trust indicated that the placement agents have the option to acquire 10.7 million additional shares at the same price set for the company's market debut . " The net surplus of supply will be about 754.4 million dollars ( 559 million euros) ," the company will allocate these resources to finance operations . The IPO Empire State Realty Trust becomes the second largest in the segment of the REIT , real estate investment vehicles , following the IPO of Douglas Emmett in 2006 , which reached 1,400 million dollars ( 1.037 billion euros).


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