Empire State Realty Trust, the owner of the mythical background skyscrapers of Manhattan , has already set the price of its IPO to be located in the $ 13 per share

miércoles, 16 de octubre de 2013

First anniversary of Marissa Mayer on Yahoo :

First anniversary of Marissa Mayer on Yahoo :Internet Economy and Business On July 16 it was announced that Marissa Mayer would be the new CEO of Yahoo and the 17th began his stage at the helm of the company. A year after 17 purchases , it is undeniable that the company has changed .Today marks the first anniversary since it was announced the appointment of Marissa Mayer as CEO of Yahoo ( was effective the day after ) . At this time , the company has made 17 purchases (most importantly, Tumblr ) and, in general , one can say that the stage in Yahoo Marissa Mayer has served to give new life to the company. But there is still a long way to go .What can not be denied is that the Board has managed to give some institutional stability for signature. Until his arrival , the direction of the company had been in six people in the last six years. The most talked output was Scott Thompson , who resigned after it was discovered that it had included false information on your resume. It also seems less prone to litigation than its predecessor , which was involved in a legal battle with Facebook to anyone finished watching sense .

Marissa Mayer

But the important thing is not what has made Marissa Mayer on Yahoo , but the movements he has used his time. And it seems you've been busy, and that throughout this period there have been 17 purchases . Probably not depart from it all , but , at least, bear his signature . And the most important of these acquisitions, Tumblr , it does have all the earmarks of having been orchestrated by the directive.Seizing Yahoo Tumblr it cost 1,100 million. Part of this money was achieved through the sale of part of the shares of Alibaba Group that had the Chinese company . In fact, if their actions today is worth more due to growth in this group. If this changes in the future, will be in part due to this purchase."Apart from shopping, Yahoo has made ​​changes to the design of some of its services " This year there were other changes in Yahoo services . Mail, for example, was redesigned and soon after launched a campaign to ' recover ' abandoned accounts and make them to return to be available for new users (the process will end in mid-August ) . Flickr also experienced a much needed change in design and increased storage capacity .   

This, incidentally , represented one of the few faults committed in Yahoo Marissa Mayer . When he announced the news on Flickr , made ​​comments that many considered offensive photographers . Instead of hiding or issue a statement, said several of them personally from his Twitter account . It is likely that the answer conduct a team member , but it is still an example of this new attitude nearest juvenile less corseted .Nor should we forget the influence of Mayer in the industry. The technology sector has women just as CEO , at least in major companies . Yahoo could help change this trend thanks to Mayer , despite his undoubted experience , has had to endure ridiculous scenes . The most famous example is the shareholder who began by explaining that it was " a dirty old man " and then tell the policy that is "very attractive " .Fortunately , this is almost anecdotal , because since his appointment was announced much emphasis has been placed on its origin (it was the twenty- Google employee and one of the architects of the search engine what it is today ) than sex.Anyway, the most important thing for Yahoo is that this is only the beginning. For the first time in a while the wheel takes someone with experience, youth , knowledge, and tables ; someone able to make the company regain its place or at least trying. In the first year there have been changes , the second will be more.

Internet Economy and Business

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