Empire State Realty Trust, the owner of the mythical background skyscrapers of Manhattan , has already set the price of its IPO to be located in the $ 13 per share

lunes, 26 de agosto de 2013

YOUR BUSINNES with Email Marketing

Email Marketing allows you to expand your reach, generate more leads and grow your business.

Email Marketing, Web Design Cheshire
The e-mail marketing is one of the most effective and inexpensive ways to find and keep new customers.  Email Marketing is the process of sending e-mails to acquire new customers and convince existing customers to make additional purchases.  It is also used to enhance the relationship of a business with its customers and prospects and encourage customer loyalty and repeat business.
By building a mailing list, a business can create an extremely valuable asset.

The advantages of email:
  • Email lets you send information to a wide range of existing and potential customers at a much lower cost than direct mail or printed newsletters.
  • E-mail marketing allows you to track your return on investment exactly and is often reported as second only to search marketing as the most effective online marketing tactic.
  • The delivery time for an e-mail message is short as compared to a mailed advertisement 
  • E-mail marketing is paper-free .
  • Once you have a large list, you can "rent" your list to 3rd party marketing firms that will mail other offers to people on your list - this can be a significant additional source of revenue for your business.
  • Sending an email to thousands of potential customers can take merely a matter of seconds. This has made it a convenient tool for instantly supplying the prospective and existing clients with promotional and informative content about your products, services and offers available.
How to build your email list:
Include an email sign-up box on your web site.  Giving away a free report or "how-to" white  course is a great incentive for people to subscribe to your list.
You can also collect the email addresses of people that drop-off of your cart page after entering their email address. You can then send them a follow up email offering a discount to complete the sale.
Once a person submits their e-mail address to you they become an opt-in subscriber. Don't just send emails that attempt to sell things but rather offer them information, free reports, and tidbits of news and advice. That way they will be more likely to purchase it as something you recommend to them, not just as something you are selling.

Key points to remember about email:
The sending of unsolicited email is forbidden by law and can involve severe penalties for violators. It is governed by the federal Can Spam Law.
You should only send email to a person when they have "opted-in" to receive it. When you collect a person's email address, be sure that you explain how you intend to use their email.  Include a privacy policy on your web site and place a link to it next to your email collection box.
Due to the large amount of spam email, it is getting harder to get legitimate commercial email delivered into people's inbox.  Specialty software and service firms have emerged to help business manage their email programs and ensure that their emails are not blocked as spam.
Although it takes time and effort to maintain and grow, a mailing list can end up being the most powerful tool in your internet marketing arsenal.

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