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viernes, 15 de noviembre de 2013

How to Place KEYWORDS In Article From Blogger

How to Place KEYWORDS In Article From Blogger

 In this article we will try about  whow  to  placing keywords or strategically add KeywordsHow to Place Keywords In Article From Blogger

 In this article we will try about  whow   to  placing keywords or strategically add Keywords. in your article in blog.If you or write about an original and friendly to the search engines then you will easily be in the top positions search results from the Internet .

The aim of this article will be to put the keywords in my posts to optimize writing search engines in mind that we must optimize our articles to fill this with lots of words keys .Have  be done in a way that be natural for the reader and to the search engines.

I'll be writing six locations where to place the key word in your blog.

Article Adding Optimize Our Keywords wisely.
The number of keywords is to keep these 3% density in cuestion.Te article indicates that it is safer places to put these words strategically and not disturb the repetition of these .

1.Add Keyword  at the Beginning and End of Article
The idea is to put the keyword in the first paragraph and the last paragraph of the article, then you can add phrases that have to do with the keywords in between the article without abusing them .

We must not repeat the same keyword , sometimes used as synonyms or related words if you repeat can be penalized by google .

2 .Add  name the image in the Alt tag and Title tag Keyword Add 
The images play an important role in the optimization strategy is necessary to have you a description on the Whrite Alt and Image Title so when google bots , yahoo seek it on your site or blog to know what it is and downloading your product faster.
 When you put title and description to the images you can use a keyword in your blog is so much easier to be found by search engines.

3 . Add keyword in the title of Article
The title is the main representative of what your article is therefore to the internet expose the keyword added in it. With an attractive title you will attract more readers , a title that speaks for itself .
 4. Add  Keywords  in permalinks
What is a permanent link ? A permanent lace is in the link title of our articulo.Es also an ideal place to add keywords .

Wonder how I'll show it here :
Enter your Input Editor > permanent link click on the right side of the menu and select Custom Permanent Link . Add your main keywords in there and gives Done button .

Note : Use keywords objective or focus of your article .

5.Add  Keywords  in Article
The label on your blog you can include keywords that have great relevance to the topic of your post or article on your blog.

6.Add Keywords in the comments of your blog
This is a trick that jmuchos are not advised you use when you go to answer or respond to a follower or commentator blog. Your answer you can include keywords or central what is your blog

To round using this strategy to place insurance keywords the search engines will be aware of your blog thus gaining more followers and improving your position on the internet.

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