Empire State Realty Trust, the owner of the mythical background skyscrapers of Manhattan , has already set the price of its IPO to be located in the $ 13 per share

martes, 24 de septiembre de 2013


THE WEB DESIGN  istock_000010600443green2
Could be defined as any area contained within the form of a contour. The world is composed of shapes and even the human eye is used to lock them. We tend to complete forms , shapes or grouping separate ways ... because it gives us a greater sense of unity, peace and cohesion . Anything that is built is composed of shapes and web design obviously no exception to this axiom . As in nature, in web design forms can be submitted in three variants. Match in the use of each of them accordingly to our website will be essential to achieve a good web design
 - Geometric Shapes
These are geometric objects , regular , symmetrical , eg , square , triangle , circle ...
 - Natural Forms
These are based upon or derived and forms that exist in nature, for example, an image of a wheel. They are generally very close images and easily identifiable to reinforce the message .
 - Shapes Abstract :
Our eye tends to simplify and abstract forms to find them a meaning.
 The abstract forms are able to evoke feelings , cause reactions ... are elements seeking a more personal impact , interior, emotional. web design
 -The way the background 
 From the web design background we'll start using forms . In the own web layout we will use forms . In the text lines , paragraphs , in the placement of images , even in the blanks we will use forms . For all this it is important to know which forms an essential part of web design and, most importantly, should be related to the background. That is, our web design should have a ways to reinforce the meaning of web content .
.- visibility  
The forms also help us to organize the content of web pages . The form chosen to arrange the elements and placing each of them is vital to highlight one or the other parts of our website. With the use of appropriate forms can enhance the visibility of a section that interests us. 
The way embellishment 
 Besides its contribution to the general idea of our website, its ability to organize or order spaces , and easy to highlight specific aspects of the web , the way has a reason to , basically , you could say that is the for their existence : its decorative value . This decorative purposes and includes the aforementioned design . If a website is well designed, it will be very attractive to the eye, is well structured and organized , reinforce the most important content of the page and , finally , be consistent with the spirit and intent of our company.

How to Choose Colors for Your Website
 Obviously we all have our own personal tastes regarding colors , but when designing a web page should not be led by our subjective opinion , but what we offer the customer and what he expects from us. Choosing the right colors for our website you can create a strong visual link with the user , as well as lead to more friendly and attractive pages . As always, the first thing to consider is what audience is headed our website and what is its theme. For example, a youth page on a water park will not look good in black and white or gray or pastel , but what do you say to the personal website of a poet ? Choose first the background color and turns to white if you do not convince other colors . White is the color that best highlights the texts of other colors and allows for better reading. Try the rest of the text on the page ( keypad , title , content ... ) perfectly distinguished background without resorting to too garish colors . web design Among web designers is generally accepted that the ideal is to use 3 to 5 colors for web design . Less than three web can give the design too simple and flat, and more than five can overwhelm the visitor. To decide on the colors of our website is essential to know what each color and above all, how it influences people :

 - Blue
 is trust, confidence , responsibility. It is popular among the pages of the energy industry and agriculture . By contrast , rarely used for car or clothing stores.
 is power , provocation, sensuality and aggression. It is a powerful attention getter . It is widely used in food and technology websites . It is popular in the financial pages designs or brands of clothing, for example. -  ---  -Green 
is health , prestige , serenity, calm and freshness. Perfect for environmental pages , for example. 
- Yellow
 is energy, stridency , light, optimism and creativity. Recommended for youth pages , fun and different . Its abuse can become tiresome . 
- The brown
 conveys simplicity , serenity , seriousness and strength, like the trunk of an oak . 
- The black
is prestige , reliability , sophistication , while white is purity, cleanliness and clarity. - As data, noted that blue is the color most used by web designers ( over 33 % use ) , followed by red and black . From the combination of these colors and their different shades must arise chromatic harmony that makes users feel identified with our website.

Start now!!!

Autor : John José del Pozo Perez

jueves, 12 de septiembre de 2013

3 Powerful Tips to attract Success, Abundance and Good Things

Attract Prosperity
3 Powerful Tips to attract Success, Abundance and Good Things

If you have been studying the Law of Attraction , no matter how long , you've probably noticed that there are many different ways to attract wealth and other forms of benefits to your life. Some of these methods improve better with others, and some are proven truths that have endured over time . Below , I bring you three of these three ' powerful tips " that can change your life :

It's okay to rock the boat
Many of us have been trained to keep a low profile in the world, not make waves , do not make a scene, do not alter the status quo ... But when we look at some of the most influential and successful people in the world, we see that their achievements came crushed when the road stood and forged his own way.
How many of your actions are based on the fear that the others do not like what you do? Live your life according to these ideals alone can lead to frustration and stagnant growth . Today , take some time to think about what YOU want . What excel ? What matters to you most in the world? Then use these reflections to get out of the way and forging crushed and a new beginning with courage and determination - no matter how unpopular your position may seem.
Make very wide network
When it comes to money and business , the connections we make with others are usually the most valuable assets we have. The larger and more diverse is our network of clients, customers and colleagues , the more opportunities we have to grow and prosper . While success is certainly the product of a positive attitude , hard work and determination , we can not do it alone .
Each of us needs a support network that we provide , courage , reflection and resources we can use to continue growing. Create a network is as simple as going to the world also share our own support , courage , reflection and other resources - and while we do this consistently , we find that the same is reflected instantly to us.
Keep going
Sn matter how much we have achieved in life, we can not learn new things, grow and become more . Usually we see the success and wealth in the opposite way - thinking that we can relax and " rest on our laurels " once we reach our goals.
Eventually , we realize that staying in one place for too long, causing a deadlock . Energy must move and move , to keep it fresh and vibrant , and this applies to our goals , our relationships , our money, and in the health of our bodies. When we stop , which is about without trouble and without pause is the " end of life " .

Can it be this easy?
 Create wealth in your life
 The answer is in you .
 Grab your part "
 The Law of Attraction and Money and YOU !!!
Nouveh WEB Design
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You can try here ...

lunes, 2 de septiembre de 2013

40 Ways to Make Money on the Internet

40 Ways to Make Money on the Internet I did a little bookmark scrub this morning and thought I would share the remaining content of my "Online Money" folder. To warn you, there are certain things that I don't like and never bookmark so: What's NOT included: Taking Paid Surveys, Getting Paid to Surf the Internet, MLM, Contest Sites, "Buy my DVD, CD, Audiobook", etc. What IS included: Things you can use to legitimately make money online - Everything from Getting Paid to review software to good ole' Adsense.

Infolinks - Infolinks is probably the highest paying option for your in-text advertising. On DLM, you will see underlined links scattered throughout articles. Those are a function of Infolinks and without disclosing too much, it's been a great source of income. Best is that they accept all sizes of websites and blogs. Just sign up and begin. Build a Niche Store - This is a simple store development platform which enables you to create content based sites that generate income through the eBay affiliate programs. Pretty darn simple and increasingly popular.

Adbrite - Sell space on your site for text ads. This would work like the DLM Marketplace you see on the right of my pages although I chose to manage it myself. 

Amazon Affiliate Program - Easily create a store or shopping section on your site instead of sending your visitors to Amazon. Amazon handles the shopping cart and fulfillment.

Amazon Seller - Sell your stuff on Amazon

Associated Content - If you write a story, how-to, rant, how-to cut grass, etc., you can submit it to them and they will pay you $3-$20 per article if they like it.

Yahoo! Merchant Solutions - This is a pretty simple and cheap way to create an online store.

Azoogleads - Another ad program. They do have some decent companies lined up as advertisers. You provide space, they'll provide an ad.

BidVertiser - PPC (pay per click) program with a low $10 payout amount.

 Blog - Start a blog and consistently write excellent content. With good ad placement, you may make some money. I detail my process here: Simply Said, How to Blog.

Cafepress- You provide a design, they'll toss it on a T-Shirt, Hat, etc. No upfront costs. Get a free online shop and promote your products on your website.

Chitika - Their eMiniMalls service has shown great results for many Bloggers and site owners. You choose a keyword and they show relevant products on your site using a pretty unique interface.

Clickbank - Quickly becoming my favorite affiliate program. They have thousands of things for you to advertise on your site.

ClicknWork - Get paid $5-$150 per hour for basically doing freelance work on a per-assignment basis. You have to pass a pretty tough test to get in.

  Clicksor - These are the guys that generate contextual ads on sites that show up when you hover over a double-underlined word.

 Commission Junction - If you have a site, you can join Commission Junction. Once enrolled for free, you can choose companies whose ads are pertinent to your site. Companies have the ultimate say on working with you. There are easily over 1,000 companies to choose from here.

 CreamAid - For blogs only, advertisers provide you with a topic and you write about it on your site. To do this, you have to install a flash widget into your blog post. The more people you bring into the conversation through the widget, the more you get paid. It's difficult to explain.

eefoof - Think of it as YouTube + Flickr + Music. You add original content and they pay you based on the visitors you attract.

 Ether - If you are an expert on something, Ether provides a way for people to pay you to talk about it in a one-on-one setting. If you want to charge $250/hr, that's fine. You have to do all the advertising so you should have a blog or site already established.

eBay- Come on, you know what this is. Gather your junk and sell it!

eBay Stores - If you have a real store and want to sell your stuff online, this is a decent option to get you started.

 ELance - Name gives it away. Programmers, Codes, Web Designers, Writers, Editors, can look for freelance opportunities.

Feedvertising - This is an arm of Text Link Ads and is currently only good for Wordpress users. This does me no good currently, but as you can guess, they place ads in your feed(s).

 Feedburner / Google - Not only are they the best place to house your feeds, they will also add ads to your feed and website. You get paid per impression and if you implement Google Adsense to your feed, you are paid per click.

Google Adsense - Come on, you don't need an explanation; these ads are all over the place. Google displays relevant ads based on your site's content

 Google Adwords - Create simple text ads and choose keywords that determine when they are displayed. This is where the Adsense Content comes from. You do not need a site for this.

 H3.com - Get paid to fill jobs. Commissions range from $50-$5,000. It all depends on how tough the job is to fill and how desperate the hiring company is. This is another one that's tough to explain.

 Indeed.com - Add their job board to your site. They then post jobs based on the geographic location of visitors and the position types you pre-select. I tried it and I they continually report that I sent 0 visitors and I know that's not right. Nevertheless, I may have an isolated problem so they make the list.

 InnerSell - If you have a customer that wants to buy something you cannot sell, you can sell the lead here.

Jigsaw - It's a pretty flaky model but if you have a Rolodex full of good contacts, you can sell them here. I can't make sense of it but it looks like you get $0.10 per profile.

 LinkShare.com - If you have a site, you can join Linkshare. Once enrolled for free, you can choose companies whose ads are pertinent to your site. Companies have the ultimate say on working with you. Like Commission Junction, there are a ton of companies waiting to evaluate your site.

Microsoft Adcenter - Bid on keywords and Microsoft places your created ads then they are searched for. This is similar to Google Adwords. You do not need a site for this.

 Overstock.com - Sell your stuff on Overstock.com

Pay Per Post - I don't agree with this model entirely but they have advertisers that will pay you to write about their products on your blog.

Pheedo - If you have an RSS feed, run it through Pheedo. Like Feedburner, they can include ads into your feed and if you really become large, advertisers will pay a premium for you to show their ads.

Shareasale.com - I've used them for a couple years for some banner advertising. They are similar to Commission Junction and Linkshare however they seem to have lower tiered companies with advertising offers.

Shoemoney - This is a blog that can teach you a ton on making money online. I've spent hours reading his old stuff.

 Software Judge - They will pay you up to $50 to review software.

Text Link Ads - I have never made a dime here but I know people that have. You can earn by sending advertisers to them or by selling spots on your site. You must have a real site or blog to do this - nothing on a shared domain (i.e. /blogspot).

 Vibrant Media - Don't bother unless your site has 500,000 page views of text based content a month. If you have that readership, these are the guys that display bubble box ads to underlined words on your site.

West Work At Home Agent - Not entirely online but this is worth a mention because it's won awards and is very legitimate. If you are an at-home Mom or free-lancer without work, you should check this out.